Thursday, April 12, 2012

DK's viable for PvP?

[:1]Well i have recently started to get back in WoW again, and im going to PvP with some friends. But before i do, i would like to know if Dk's are viable for pvp. Do we have good mobility?can we be able to kill healers? is unholy still the best pvp spec?
Or should i forget about pvp and do pve?
any help about dk's in pvp/pve and some talent help is welcomed.
Thanks in advance
^ what he said, getting ready to start pvping mah self, also what are some good 2v2 group comps? and is frost viable.
I'm having a blast in BGs, even if I am a bit squishy in current gear. I've done Bgs as every spec, had a blast in WSG/TP as blood, rest I felt rather useless. Frost I felt I couldn't nuke people down quick enough to even be effective and that I couldn't do anything to healers since using NS meant losing obliterate, though I did not try 2h frost pvp only dual wield. So far I'm thoroughly enjoying unholy but maybe that's because I'm most comfortable with it in PvP.

Now, this is my OPINION I am not saying I am the god of pvp and that you should do what I say.
Do we have good mobility?

In short, no. That is why DK mobility is on the table for getting buffed. In the meantime, if you are doing smallscale (arena) PvP then it is almost certainly in your best issue to go Unholy so you can keep pressure up while getting snared, rooted, and peeled constantly.

Also, healers are far more vulnerable now than they were in WoTLK.

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