Thursday, April 19, 2012

FCS vs stoneskin for tanking?

currently stoneskin gargoyle gives me about 1k hp and 1% physical damage reduction whereas FCS heals me for somewhere around 4500 every time it procs (dunno what it's PPM is but it seems to go off a lot) and adds strength for more threat/parry.

so my question is is the constant healing+strength from FCS better than stoneskin?
The healing isn't noticed that easily. If you did the math, 1% more physical reduction is pretty serious business, and your health will fly up soon to where you're getting considerably more than 1k health.

No DK's should have threat issues at the moment, either.
It's also worth noting that RoSG has a good bit of synergy with talents.
right off the bat, as your gear gets better the staight % of armor and stam get better get better, so there is (however small) some threat gain form the bonus armor combined with Bladed Armor.
the best "tanky" part of FC is the small bit of parry you'll get from the STR, nad the armor mitigation is a bit more reliable.
Also because of the % stam, the more stam/buffs you build, the more potential there is for Vengeance and for death strike heals/blood shield as each, at some point, are limited by your health.
combined with mastery the healing and shielding from the extra stam will likely out-weigh what you get from FC and you don't need to rely on a proc.
Forgot to mention, Our self heals are % based on our health, so the % from RoSG increases overall self healing as well.

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