Hey all I'm really loving the DK again since about a year ago when I played him heavily. I'm now leveling him for tanking at 85 and maybe some PvP but nothing too hardcore.
I was just wondering I am Frost and Blood specs. I can get weapons for both specs if needed it's not a problem. I was wondering the optimal Frost spec. Wondering if it is Duel Wield or TwoHander.
Thank you very much,
Doesn't matter. Just make sure you get OaPH.
the majority of people who play frost usually go for the DW, but either is fine
supposedly DW is higher in dps, but not enough to make too much of a difference. go with whichever you enjoy the most.
Take a look at EJ, there is a few posts in the frost dps section that you will find interesting about leveling as frost.
I am on a pve server and leveled as 2h frost. On pvp I would have done dw as there is more burst dmg for pvp situations.
The 2h frost has the upper hand for leveling though if not on or not caring that your on a pvp server. The reason for this is the faster generation of RP along with RP Mastery that you don't take as dw. When you mix this with lichborne, you have a handy way to heal yourself to keep moving in the leveling grind.
But either way is fine, go with what you like. just make sure to get pale horse and the dg talent in the unholy tree as it will make it faster leveling by pulling mobs to you from further away.
Deleted by Viktus
I leveled on a full pop pvp server no problem with 2h frost.
The reasons for 2h over dw are that
A) easier to get weapon upgrades, str based 1hers are very rare. You get guranteed blue quest reward 2hers in deepholme and twilight highlands.
B) less talent points.
C) presence. you should be leveling in unholy presence for run speed and haste already, 2h frost does ideal dps in unholy presence too, while dw does best dps in frost presence. Since you're already in unholy presence, might as well use the spec that gets the most out of it.
Above all, make sure you have pale horse and unholy command talented. Those are the most important leveling talents, easy to have at lvl 80 as 2h frost.
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