Thursday, April 19, 2012

Blood DKs not as fun as before

Does anyone else think blood DKs aren't as fun to play as before?
putting aside balance and stats issues. I got back on my DK today and played around with him
he used to be blood before 4.0 so I decided to try the new blood spec

It sucked,
Balance and stats issue aside, there just wasn't any "fun" in play a class that I used to love
I'll have to try the other trees for who knows maybe DK tanking just isn't for me, but I have yet to find another class/spec that is just outright boring to play

I'm used to Pally prot tank both before and after the 4.0 patch and I love what they did to it, so I doubt it's the role I dislike

Any comments?
Deleted by Tkdpunkk
Paladin tanking received a wonderful tune in 4.0. The spec is now more dynamic than any other tanking spec.

You're right. Blood tanking just doesn't have the "fun" factor, in terms of playstyle, that say Frost or Unholy has while DPS'ing. But, it's much more entertaining to tank as a DK than as a Druid or Warrior currently (imo).

Cataclysm is going to make the tanking role a little more dynamic, with threat, positioning, and the need to survive being more emphasized, so perhaps that'll add a little more spice to things.

P.S. Have you tried Blood since the 4.0.3a patch? Once BP added the 20% rune regen and Rune Strike got fixed, it definitely bumped up the fun factor compared to 4.0.1.
yeah it aint fun as before. i miss it being able to do actual damage. i dont agree with it being the dedicated death knight tank. i'd rather have frost be the dk tank since it was originally known to suppress damage and did a great job on aoe threat (howling blast). But personally i'd rather have blood as a dps than be a dedicated tank.

Blood had been the best tanking spec for meaningful content since at least Ulduar anyway.
my question was not about who was the strongest or the best but rather about the "fun factor" involved in playing a spec

Arcane mages for example do great dps, but its a boring as hell spec cause it's a 1 button spec till 80 then it's a 1 button spec burn pop evocation then conserve mana untill it pops again and 1 button burn away
I'm kinda opposite, but I never played DK prior to the 4.0 patches. I started my DK like 2 weeks ago, got her to 60 as Frost and but her on the backburner until I knew what I was gonna do for cataclysm (worgen reroll possibly).. Anyway, long story short, I love my female space goat, she's teh sx.

I tried blood spec (snagged dual spec when I got her flying mount), specced blood, and I am never looking back!! I must admit, I'm still getting used to the rotation and stuff so I don't waste runes on the wrong abilities and lock out ones I need for blood, but still.. I have yet to die as blood spec, and I've solod every quest/group quest except for the instances in outland and the 5 man group quests, and I'm loving every minute of it.

Right now the issue I'm having is which tank to tank with.. Guess I need to get my warrior and DK to 85 and decide then.
Frost was always the most fun DK spec for me but I loved blood too, but this whole BS idea of Diseaseless tanking makes my threat rotation exactly 4 buttons: Death Strike Heart Strike, Rune Strike and Blood Boil.

As opposed to the old rotation where you used: Icy Touch, Plague Strike, Heart Strike and Death Strike (because Rune Strike was off the GCD and macro'd to each of these abilities).

There was nothing really interesting about the rotation beforehand, it just now substitutes two different buttons (Rune Strike + Blood Boil) for the old ones (Icy Touch + Plague Strike). You also do use diseases whenever Outbreak is up (oh look a 5th button for your threat rotation, one more than before) at 85.
I'm kinda opposite, but I never played DK prior to the 4.0 patches. I started my DK like 2 weeks ago, got her to 60 as Frost and but her on the backburner until I knew what I was gonna do for cataclysm (worgen reroll possibly).. Anyway, long story short, I love my female space goat, she's teh sx.

I tried blood spec (snagged dual spec when I got her flying mount), specced blood, and I am never looking back!! I must admit, I'm still getting used to the rotation and stuff so I don't waste runes on the wrong abilities and lock out ones I need for blood, but still.. I have yet to die as blood spec, and I've solod every quest/group quest except for the instances in outland and the 5 man group quests, and I'm loving every minute of it.

Right now the issue I'm having is which tank to tank with.. Guess I need to get my warrior and DK to 85 and decide then.

So you're saying that I should try to dual wield tank as bloodspec? I haven't seen anything that pushes me towards this in the talents or abilities, if you can explain this to me incase I missed anything?

So you're saying that I should try to dual wield tank as bloodspec? I haven't seen anything that pushes me towards this in the talents or abilities, if you can explain this to me incase I missed anything?
I believe he's saying dual spec, not dual wield. Last I checked dual wield is a no no for blood tanks.
I'm kinda opposite, but I never played DK prior to the 4.0 patches. I started my DK like 2 weeks ago, got her to 60 as Frost and but her on the backburner until I knew what I was gonna do for cataclysm (worgen reroll possibly).. Anyway, long story short, I love my female space goat, she's teh sx.

I tried blood spec (snagged dual spec when I got her flying mount), specced blood, and I am never looking back!! I must admit, I'm still getting used to the rotation and stuff so I don't waste runes on the wrong abilities and lock out ones I need for blood, but still.. I have yet to die as blood spec, and I've solod every quest/group quest except for the instances in outland and the 5 man group quests, and I'm loving every minute of it.

Right now the issue I'm having is which tank to tank with.. Guess I need to get my warrior and DK to 85 and decide then.

So you're saying that I should try to dual wield tank as bloodspec? I haven't seen anything that pushes me towards this in the talents or abilities, if you can explain this to me incase I missed anything?

Dual Spec. Not dual wield. You do not dual wield as a tank. Ever.

Blood had been the best tanking spec for meaningful content since at least Ulduar anyway.

Wrong, I tanked frost since I hit 80. Frost was more fun, had better mitigation and better threat.
While you may have tanked in frost since you hit 80 that still doesn't mean frost was the best tank spec. Frost was never at any point the best tank spec for dks except maybe at some point in beta wrath. For end game progression tanking since ulduar blood has been the king of dk tank builds. The math and the progression both back that fact up.

Blood had been the best tanking spec for meaningful content since at least Ulduar anyway.

Wrong, I tanked frost since I hit 80. Frost was more fun, had better mitigation and better threat.

One of those points is opinion, and two others are not true. Frost didn't have any more mitigation than Blood did. It had more avoidance. The threat thing is a non issue, threat was incredibly easy to hold.

It's fine that you tanked frost, but it doesn't change the fact that Blood was the preferred spec to use for tanking.

Blood had been the best tanking spec for meaningful content since at least Ulduar anyway.

Wrong, I tanked frost since I hit 80. Frost was more fun, had better mitigation and better threat.

He said meaningful content. I don't see a whole lot of meaningful progression amongst your achievements.

So you're saying that I should try to dual wield tank as bloodspec? I haven't seen anything that pushes me towards this in the talents or abilities, if you can explain this to me incase I missed anything?
I believe he's saying dual spec, not dual wield. Last I checked dual wield is a no no for blood tanks.

Dual spec.. Yeah, I went off on a tangnet there, sorry about that.
DKs haven't been fun to play since beta but I'm still playing mine because I enjoy the class

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