Saturday, April 21, 2012

2h frost pvp expertise?

Title says it, what's the expertise cap for 2h frost pvp. I know everyone says haste, haste, haste and more haste, but at what point to you want expertise? The reason I ask is because I'm duking it out with a feral druid yesterday and he dodged all my attacks just about. If I didn't have a resto shaman show up and heal me I was dead for sure.
No DK spec uses expertise in pvp. Avoid it like the plague and reforge it off your pvp shoulders.
Alright thanks for the info and I will definitely do that...I just wanted some clarification and I got it.
Feral played by anyone with an IQ over 86 counters dks in 1v1 right now, don't worry about it.

Next patch changes everything. Get the death strike glyph, go immune to snares after the second hit (coi, ps, DS to heal a bit, you're snare immune) will change the game and feral is getting nerfed too.
Cool, that helps out a lot, and again thanks again for the positive info, it is much appreciated.
Well, EJ says Expertise until capped is more DPS than haste (of course). This is all in the abstract, but don't forget either that PvP'ers are even more loathe of the occaisonal miss than the PvE crowd.

The thing is that this loathing of "MISS" is mostly related to "key abilities", like stuns and silences, that generally have long cd's. For DK's, they're all spells - Strangulate, Mind Freeze, Hungering Cold, etc. Expertise doesn't help spells. Hit cap and Spell pen are the only stats that help.

That, and the two types of miss that expertise helps, dodge and parry, vary quite widely among the player classes. Not every class parries. Certain classes (like Feral Druids in the OP) have dodge talents. NE's have a dodge racial. So any helpful amount of expertise will hit a soft cap quite early, and after that, you should by no means ever add a stat that's only helpful against some classes/races.

That said, even mages will dodge you. There is an innate dodge chance for any target of equal level (I think it's 5%, but I'm not sure). I don't see any reason not to gear for that soft cap over another stat like crit or mastery. It helps against all classes, and gives you more damage point for point than crit.

But sadly, that NE kitty is always going to dodge quite a lot.

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