So I messed around with gems to get the meta bonus but now I have crappy sockets and I don't have the bonus either.
I have 4 orange right now 3 blue and 1 purple. Don't ask me how I got that combo anyways
I have 2 yellow sockets 2 red and 3 blue as well as 1 prisimatic check my armory if you like
I'm going to pick up the justice points legs soon which add another blue and yellow socket giving me.
4 blue 3 yellow 2 red and 1 prisamatic.
If anyone would care to explain exactly how this all works I'd appreciated, or advice how to get the meta bonus with sacrificing the least amount of stats.
4 orange = 4 red
3 blue = 3 blue
1 purple = 1 blue and 1 red
5 red, 4 blue = less blue than red
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