Saturday, April 21, 2012

Mastery for Unholy - Not to shabby

Ran a couple of 5 mil dmg + parses on the test dummies.

First was my normal forge with crit > mastery.

2nd parse was reforging all crit to mastery (saving haste reforges).

Noticed more dps.

My gear is already flooded with Mastery due to going unholy from DW frost. This patch however did upgrade my current mastery filled gear.

Sorry for lack of SS's btw.

why would u have ever reforged to crit in unholy...
Maybe I misread that, but it seems that he did not reforge to crit, but from it.
Mastery was horrible with blightcaller.

I am not looking at my gear right now, however If a piece had Mastery and Haste on it, i would of forged the mastery to crit.

I left the pieces with Crit/Haste alone unless of course I needed hit.

After reforging, took anything that had Crit and turned it to mastery (if it has haste on it already)
why did you reforge the mastery on your weapon rather than expertise?
i reforged the expertise

Armory will not show that since I did not do that till after a bit of UI fussing.

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