Saturday, April 21, 2012

Death Knight with 'Retribution Aura'..?

For a few days now since I got started with my Death knight I started to notice a consistant trend.. My death knight at te top of the screen shows to have the pally's 'Retriution aura', at first I just laughed it off.. 'A holy death knight lmao'.. Thought maybe some kind of glitch, talk to ppl in my guild and that's what they said, but next day it's still there. I'm concerned though cause I don't want Blizz to notice that and think I'm hacking; cause first of all I'm not smart or skilled enough to hack second, IF I was going to hack for an ability it would be the pally's aura that gives him the defense boost lol. Anyone else exspirance this ever..? Or know what it could be....? I don't mind it, not an issue as long as it don't put my account or toon in danger of being deleted. So far my DK is my favorite toon, probably end up as my main. Thanks in advance for any input you might have/ offer.
You questing in EPL? My mage had Ret aura for a while after doing the caravan quests, thanks to the paladin NPC's that follow you around.

If not, I compare this to being attacked by a Dwarf from the Cape of Stranglethorn while in Zul'Gurub or falling to my death under water a few quests into Vashj'ir. Strange bugs that need to be squished.
You questing in EPL? My mage had Ret aura for a while after doing the caravan quests, thanks to the paladin NPC's that follow you around.

If not, I compare this to being attacked by a Dwarf from the Cape of Stranglethorn while in Zul'Gurub or falling to my death under water a few quests into Vashj'ir. Strange bugs that need to be squished.

Lol... reminds me of my mage, went to blink down some stairs in hyjal somewhere and I didn't blink down the stairs I kind of blinked THROUGH them and fell through the ground to my death...
I DID do that quest wit the blood elf pally, dwarf pally and that female Worgan names 'Floria' or something like that. Thought for a while it might be that pally's Ret Aura that was somehow lingering on me... Do these bugs normally last a few days though?
Just wierd lol.

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