[:1]best one i have gotten so far was Brainface
what's ur guy's favorite?
Got "Ratgobbler" last night
my ghoul always gets stupid names :(
Wormstealer and Pebblebender for example
neither of which are intimidating in the slightest.
gonna have to wait to get mine,Need to level up though.
I named mine Phil. Win...
One time mine got named "Rotface" in icc, thought it was pretty win.
In a Wintergrasp I once had one named "Rockcatcher", who was summarily hit by a catapult. It was hilarious.
Edit: Also had "Glacierbiter" on a 10m Sindy attempt, who I was using to help break out icetombs. Thought that was pretty fitting.
Back when DK's/WotLK was released they had a ghoul name of "Bonegobbler" until they removed it. xD
mine is stupid... wormeater...very stupid
heh pretty cool ones. brainface beats those imo
I had Beetletaker once, that was funny. Also, when I was doing the "Pebble" quests in Deepholm, my pet was named Pebblesmasher, made me laugh.
Glaciersnatcher was pretty neat.
Next time I logged on I was stuck with pebblestealer...
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