[:1]Hey guys.
I have...
Sorrow's End: http://www.wowhead.com/item=66993
Oversized Oblique Ogre Obliterator: http://www.wowhead.com/item=63787
I have been using Oversized..but I was thinking of switching to Sorrow's End for the 3.6 speed instead of 3.3..but Sorrow's has mastery which is very unattractive, even though it can be reforged into hit or crit..
Which one would you guys recommend?
Weapon speed is not what really matters. Weapon speed is just a proxy for average damage per hit, because that's what strikes scale off of. Given the same weapon ilevel, slower speed means higher per-strike damage, which is good.
Stats are not an issue. Both weapons have haste, so you would be just reforging mastery into crit. Crit is decent, but nothing to cry about, so don't worry too much about trading some crit for mastery.
Right now the strike damage is so weak that most of our damage comes from magic and ghoul, and at 359 gear level dual-wield Unholy is actually better than 2H unholy, because the damage you lose on strikes, you more than make up on extra Sudden Doom procs and somesuch.
So if were still in ICC, i would say slower weapon with mastery over faster weapon without mastery; but now, i am actually unsure.
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