Thursday, April 12, 2012

What would you suggest? 2h or DW?

[:1]For my level. I tank/dps in instances equally, and I was wondering what would be better for my dps, 2h or DW. With 2h I do around 1700 on bosses, haven't tried DW. I hear DW>2h at 85 so I was debating switching now to get used to it. Any suggestions?
2h frost is the best and fastest for levelling.
Alright, I'll stick too it then. My 2h is better than the 1h's i've picked up, anyways.
I leveled from 80 to 85 in about 2 days with a break in between with 2h frost and I loved it. The only problem I had was at around level 83-85 I was getting gibbed pretty quickly especially if I happened to agro more than 1 mob.

In places with very fast respawn timers and lots of mobs I switched to a slower blood spec.

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