Thursday, April 12, 2012

[PvP] DR and 3's question

[:1]Before I ask, please don't bother Armory'ing me. I still have my leveling spec and barely started to work on my pvp gear. Also, we just began to arena with our comp to get a feel for it and get a few CP in the process. Basically, everything is "lulz" for me.

1) Is there a DR on slow/speed decreases?

I've been considering Frost builds lately. The ones I've seen place points into blood for hand of doom. Another person linked a build where he placed his points into unholy to pick up desecration and resilient infection. His rational was that it complimented chilblains to perpetually have a slow despite runes. Is this a viable idea?

2) Is UH or Frost more forgiving in 3's for lower bracket teams given our comp?

Besides myself who is UH/Frost undecided atm, our team consist of a Holy Pally and a soon-to-be Sub Rogue (unless it's a good idea for him to be Assassination?). My gripe with UH given the few games we've played is with my ghoul. I'd be on my mount and run out to DG only to find it takes my ghoul awhile to come out. Also, there are times when I'm in LoS of him and none of us are CC'd but can't death pact. Or, if I lose my ghoul, I won't be able to raise him even though it's off CD. I get a "You can't do that right now" message - unreliable to say the least. However, if it's ideal, I'll go with the flow just making sure I have weighed all my options to make an informed decision.



My post got overshadowed by the hotfix.

: (
unholy is gonan be better for any arena setitng Frost has great burst but it's gonan be hell dealing with anytime that has a healer.

as for going desecration, i personally wouldn't do it 1 minute off strangulate is gonna be a lot better.. since a frost DK has enough troubles killing healers..

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