Saturday, April 14, 2012

IBF, AMS, Strangulate and Dark Simu

[:1]Is it just me or are these abilities great but could really use some tuning?

In my opinion IBF would be better with a 1min cooldown and no runic power cost (probably have its duration nerfed, and if u think it needs to be longer change the Sanguine Fortitude to increase duration and cooldown while increasing damage reduction)

It just seems kind of stupid they made the pvp change to it, but its a 3min cooldown so you don't get to use it in most fghts, also you can hardly use it when you get jumped seeing as it costs runic power to use, still half dead before you can get an attack off so you can use it.

AMS should be usable while silenced...thats kinda when we need it most (or at least when we stuff up/don't pre-empt the cast)...just like divine shield and ice block.

I also wouldn't like to see strangulate on a shorter cooldown 2mins is too long and practically requires 2 points in it for pvp, remove those talents and just make it 1 min or let it be talented to 30-45sec.

Also it would be cool if you either gave us spellpower based on our AP like Enh Shaman for Dark Simu, or you changed its pvp functionality to only work on non damage/healing spells, because most of the time you get useless rubbish.

Should copy skills too, not just spells ; D

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