Thursday, April 12, 2012

How are you defeated one on one?

[:1]Just as a warrior, i'm enjoying my arenas and am looking to improve. I'm sure i'm going to get trolled for this, but have you been beaten by an arms warrior, and what happened that they beat you? please keep this to one on ones or 2v2 arena. thank you!
i never lost a 1v1 against a warrior, sorry =[

being blood
When I saw the title of the post, and rad the preview I thought this was a troll post till i was able to see you asked a legitimate question.

Id say first and foremost The biggest fail I've seen from warriors is them using bladestorm as an "OH ****" button when they are about to die. charge, hamstring, Colossus Smash, bladestorm to open will most likely cause them to try to flee, they have no disarm and your immune to any and every form of CC they have. After that Id say hit throwdown and setup for the battle with another hamstring, rend, and mortal strike. you should be completely set up to do a ton of burst damage or at least have an easy way to victory, colossus Smash should be coming up in seconds, spam Overpower and mortal Strike.

With that I think the majority of DK's will sit there like wtf just happened. A lot of people don't understand that going against a DK it's a dps race. as frost I kite warriors with chilblains and howling blast, if they are lucky and get a charge or intercept off, they fall in to my trap and eat Crit Obliterates and frost strikes, while I move through them trying to get back to about a 8-10ft range. after about an Obliterate or 2 and a few frost strikes, this will finally prompt them to use bladestorm which is now a hindrance, and they will eat more howling blast for the duration while I 180 and haul ***.

Its about control over the situation, don't be forced to use a cooldown because of something happening to you, use it because you planned to and on your own terms.

My perspective and what I do on my warrior.

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