Thursday, April 12, 2012

Death knight horde races

[:1]Getting ready to transfer over to horde before i get Cataclysm, been on the trial getting my xp to 1 til 81.

Orc has increased ghoul damage + Axes bonus

undead has a bit of resistance and wotf but shares cd with trinket now

Tauren has a larger health pool so around 6k hp bonus when in full pvp gear + stun

Undead is kinda useless I think since we have lichborn on a 2 minute cooldown? I'm not the best dk so idk

Animation wise
Taurens jumping slash is B.A
Orcs overhead smash is pretty hawt to.
Undead.. Meh.. i hate there animations

Excuse mai failed engrish.. lol

So whats the best race for pvp? NO blooood elf.
Ope better re-edit that to no trolls either! lol Im just not a fan of troll stances or blood elfs animations at all. Even though they have a descent racial not all that great
Clearly you're a big fan of going by looks.

In that case, choose what you think LOOKS best, both animations, movement and gear wise.
Orc or Troll.
If you're choosing a race because of racials, go with Goblins for Frost, and Orcs for Unholy, (probably)Tauren for Blood.
My DK is a troll, and he is awesome- pick the race you like looking at best and forget about racials. I made a BE DK first because i loved the racial, but dropped her because i didn't like the attack animations, and am much happier now.

If i were to make one now, it would be a goblin, because they are awesome. I'd make all my characters goblins, for that matter :)
pvp? blood elf.
Well its up to you, form what I heard they are going to rework the racials, but for now go on looks. Orcs and Taurens really "show" their armor...undead I don't like because it makes all armor look sh*** and Trolls hunch over and it annoys me. Up to you man. If you like Orc, go Orc. If you like Troll go Troll, we are giving our opinions.

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