Saturday, April 14, 2012

Frost AoE?

To quote Ghostcrawler:
...we see Survival hunters and Unholy DKs on top of a lot of single target fights....On fights where there is a lot of area damage, Demonology warlocks, Frost DKs and possibly Survival hunters are all too high.

Maybe it's just me, but where is Frost aoe coming from? Is all our aoe ability suppose to be from HB? Hungering Cold is aoe I suppose, but not much for dmg. While leveling I have to switch to blood if i want to aoe a couple mobs. (Granted, I don't have HB yet)

I'm seeing great single target dps from Frost, nice burst, better dps than unholy from what I can tell. But not much aoe. Any advice, or is it just from HB that our aoe comes from?
From what ive seen death knights are OP. I saw one solo ozumat, and frost does way to much aoe AND single target...when theyre complaining about having to wait 20secs b4 attacking and still pulling threat, something is wrong. usually in the damage done department. I havent seen to many unholies so i cant comment on that.
HB accounts for most dk aoe damage. Some dinkus dk's use death and decay also when their not tanking. So toss down a DnD, start spamming howling blast and blood dish out more aoe than any other class in the game but you pay for it in sheer mass aggro. And healer aggro.
You might be using blood boil for AoE if you aren't seeing stellar numbers. Because HB is so good, it's better to blood strike for the death runes, then spam howling blast. Pest your diseases and drop DnD when it's ready, and you will see how insane our AoE damage is.

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